I Love Goalies!
The position of goalie has an inherent romanticism: masked men clad with cool armor, serving as the last line of defense. They play entire games, with an unparalleled ability to impact outcomes. When they're on, they can single-handedly defeat a giant foe. They are the consummate underdogs and towering superheroes all at once.

Monday, August 8, 2022
Index to the 2022-23 NHL Goalie Masks
Friday, March 25, 2022
Eye/Vision problems have led to difficulties with computer work (please comment with what goalie/team you'd like me to start with)
I'm so sorry I've not posted any pictures (other than Hellebuyck) this season. In the past few months I've developed eye/vision problems in both eyes. First it was a retinal tear in my left eye that required multiple (painful!) procedures. It seems ok now. But more recently I've developed myopic macular degeneration (MMD) with choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in my right eye. It's caused the vision in that eye to be blurry and distorted. I finally started treatments (shots in the eye) this week, so hopefully in a couple of weeks the vision will start clearing up.
It all has caused computer work to be difficult. I still have to work, so I have to limit the "for fun" computer work I've done in the past.
But again, I had my first shot this week, and I'll have another in 4 weeks. And the doctor said my vision should start to clear in a couple of weeks.
So please leave a comment if you have a particular goalie or team you'd like me to post first, and I will certainly do that when I'm able.
My sincere apologies,
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Connor Hellebuyck 2021-22 Mask
Connor Hellebuyck of the Winnipeg Jets (born May 19, 1993 in Commerce, MI.)
Artist: Steve Nash of Eyecandyair
Index to the 2021-22 NHL Goalie Masks on This Blog
Friday, August 20, 2021
Jaroslav Halak is the only goalie in my header who is still in the NHL.
I made the header image up there 11 years ago when I started this blog. At the time it was right after the 2010 Olympics, and that's why Halak's mask is his Olympic mask from that year.
Everyone but Halak has retired: José Theodore, Henrik Lundqvist, Ryan Miller, and Evgeni Nabokov.
I realize this blog is disappointing now, as far as current information. I do try to get as many masks as I can up each season, but time always gets away from me anymore. Too many other things going on. But if nothing else, it's a good archive of masks from 2010 until around 2016. My dad passed away that year, and everything got more difficult. I guess I haven't fully recovered here yet. Plus it seems like teams were using more goalies, and when a lot of them had multiple masks per year, it got really hard.
Enjoy the old posts though, and I'll still try to get some new ones up now and then. If there is anyone you would specifically like to see that I missed, let me know.
Thanks for stopping by,
Happy retirement, Henrik!
Henrik Lundqvist announced him retirement today.
Monday, June 14, 2021
Connor Hellebuyck 2021 Mask
Connor Hellebuyck of the Winnipeg Jets (born May 19, 1993 in Commerce, MI.)
Artist: Steve Nash of EyeCandyAir
NHL Tweet about it. (360 degree view)
Hellebuyck discusses the artwork: https://illegalcurve.com/winnipeg-jets-goalie-connor-hellebuyck-talks-about-the-art-associated-with-his-new-mask/